Monday 1 August 2011

Ramadhan Datang Lagi


Hi. This is the second year of Ramadhan without the presence of my Babah. *Al-Fatihah*

Rindu Babah.


I want to take this opportunity to wish each and everyone of you Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak. :)

Hope that we can perform it well. Better than the years before. InsyaAllah.

If you're going for Terawikh prayers, pls make sure that your little ones who follow you behaving at their best. Do not play the firecrackers during the ongoing prayers. Pls advice them to not to run around the madrasah/masjid. If you think that little ones are controllable, let them stay at home jelah. Buat semak and ganggu konsentrasi orang lain yang nak buat amal ibadah je.

Queue for the moreh foods and drinks.


Im grateful that i am still alive this Ramadhan. Thank you, Allah! Amiin.


Now, i would like to apologise for any of my wrong doings towards each and everyone of you. Yours towards me is already forgiven. InsyaAllah.


1) Selamat bersahur—elok diamalkan di hujung-hujung waktu nak imsak. :)
2) Selamat membeli-belah di bazaar dan tolong jangan membazir. Sedia maklum ya, membazir tu amalan syaitan. :)
3) Makan kurma tu sunnah nabi. Buka dgn manisan (kurma) dan air suam, lepas tu perform maghrib. 3 rakaat je pun. :)
4) Jangan makan banyak sangat masa iftar, nanti malas nak terawikh pula.
5) Janganlah ponteng. Come on guys!
6) Jangan main mercun dekat tempat byk kenderaan. Atau baling mercun dr atas rumah ke bawah untuk yang menetap di rumah pangsa. Hormatilah harta benda orang lain, dan hormatilah jiran-jiran anda.


B. Disgrace :)

Sent from my iPhone

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