Thursday, 15 December 2011
Could You Please Tell Me The Things That I Don't Know?
Hei! Semak betul kau ni! Nuisance! Menyusahkan hidup aku. Dekat-dekat hujung tahun ni kau bikin panas line aku plak. Kalau tak tahu pape, jangan nak memandai-mandai gatal tangan. Sumpah semak!
Ok, fine. Boss aku kata aku just kena kaunseling and she said "kaunseling tu normal la... biasa je..". Tu pada dia. Pada aku, it's a big deal okay! Kaunseling masuk dalam personal file record aku.
1) Kalau aku perform macamana pun sampai tahap "technician buat kerja manager" macam dulu tu, confirm-confirm aku takkan dapat promotion. Even if boss aku promote aku bagai nak gila pun, dah nyata-nyata dalam personal file aku dah ada bad record. Shite!
2) Kalaulah aku nak berhenti kerja kat sini, aku nak develop career aku dengan company lain. Company tu pulak bukan company cap hayam. Lebih established dari company sekarang (katalah kan...), korang ingat HR diorang taknak liaise dengan HR company aku sekarang ni? Oi, lu sekolah kat mana? Big organisations tak ambil lah orang-orang bermasalah masuk dalam org diorang. Buat apa kalau orang yang dia bawa masuk tu bagi pengaruh negatif kat org dia?! Faham tak?
3) Yang paling tak best, boss dah mark kau. Kes ni kes berat. Bukan kes tak capai KPI. Kes punch card ni kes teramat diambil serius oleh mana-mana organisasi pun. Kes ni GM pun dah tau. Dan yang paling "best" sekali, ada cc kat CEO. Haaaa, just imagine lah. Unit aku ni dahlah direct bawah CEO. Eeeeee, sumpah otak aku semak! Memang dah habis dah reputation aku kat company ni. Semua pasal manusia-manusia bebal kat office tu! Kalau tak menyusahkan hidup orang tak senang agaknya hidup dia.
Yang si HRAM tadi tu balik-balik nak perli aku macam kalau aku tak mengaku, "Tuhan tu Maha Mengetahui". Eff YOU! Itu kau tak payah ajar aku. Aku rasa akulah salah satu manusia yang mengamalkan konsep TUHAN MAHA MENGETAHUI dalam APA SAHAJA yang aku buat sehari-hari. So, please, tell me some things that I don't know, boleh? Heh! *RollingEyes*
I know that some of y'all will say that aku ni exaggerate lebih and hanya besarkan benda kecik. KECIK KEPALAHOTAK KORANG! Korang yang lampi. Korang kerja kat company mana? Kau bukak balik employee handbook office kau, baca elok-elok, word by word. Kalau takde klausa yang mengatakan kesalahan berkenaan punchkan kad orang kesalahan yang boleh diambil tindakan serius sampai boleh kena buang kerja, tu maknanya kerja kau menoreh getah. Toreh getah mana ada punch card bongok!
Pendek kata, semua yang aku cakap berasas. Eh, haven't I told you that my late father has taught me enough about life? Ha, kau balik rumah, tanya mak bapak kau betul ke tak. Kalau tak dapat jawapan jugak, kau pergi kedai buku, kau beli satu stack punch card, kau bukak seal dia, kau baca tulisan kecik kat atas kad tu.
Saturday, 19 November 2011
If you think it's wrong, Nadia, then the time to stop is now.
If you feel it, then the right time to speak up is now.
To feel, to think, to think that you feel it are three different things that you need to learn to differentiate as soon.
You never know how strong you can be when being strong is the only option that you got in hand.
Just saying, and being poetic at the same time.
B. Disgrace
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Saturday, 8 October 2011
2) My last semester's result is a disaster! I got an A-, a B- and two C+'s. CGPA's getting closer to the hell's doors. Too ashamed of it to actually share it here.
3) Had my annual birthday celebration on its eve with Nairus, as usual. She gave me the latest Katy Perry cd as I asked. Yeayyyy! :D ;*
4) This year's birthday was a little bit different. Our family had an ad hoc getaway vacation in Port Dickson. Ayah booked an apartment for us on the 5th and 6th. It was kinda short for a vacay. But it was just what I needed to release all the stress that I got out of the exam results. Thanks Ayah! So, we had our camwhoring session by the beach, had seafood dinner at the Sea View Seafood Restaurant etc etc.
That is all for now. I need to shut this thing off and make love with the book. I got class tomorrow with this cute guy from RTM. Hehe.
Monday, 29 August 2011
Masa Sempadan
There are a few reasons why I dont want this holy month of Ramadhan to end.
Here's some!
1. Allah janjikan pada semua hambaNya yang beramal kepadaNya dengan ganjaran pahala yang berlipat kali ganda.
2. Puasa itu sesuatu yang bagus. Bagus untuk rohani, mental, fizikal. Sistem badan manusia juga perlu 'time off'.
3. Dalam sedar tak sedar, kita boleh banyak 'beriadah' semasa beribadat. Aku pernah dengar kat Tanyalah Ustaz di TV9, katanya, mengikut kajian sains, pergerakan yang kita lakukan semasa mendirikan solat adalah pergerakan yang bagus untuk sistem-sistem dalam badan kita, terutamanya pengaliran darah. (Sila google untuk info lebih lanjut). Subhanallah! Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Bijaksana.
4. Reason yang paling sayu. Selepas azan Maghrib pada akhir Ramadhan/awal Syawal, semua hamba Allah yang telah kembali kepadaNya tidak lagi terlepas dari seksaan kubur. Betapa sayu bila aku memikirkan tentang arwah Abah aku. Lebih sayu bila tahun ini adalah tahun pertama aku tak dapat menziarahi kubur arwah kerana aku uzur. :( *Mari kita luangkan 4 minit masa kita untuk sama-sama sedekahkan Al-Fatihah untuk arwah Abah aku. Ab Aziz Bin Ab Wahab*
Salam awal Syawal. Berayalah dalam keadaan yang serba sederhana. Semoga kita mendapat keberkatan dariNya di hari kemenangan kita tahun ini. InsyaAllah.
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Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Sekadar Refleksi
Itu bagi aku.
Kenapa aku cakap macam tu, kerana pasti akan ada yang mahu argue dengan "Allah dah ciptakan manusia ini dengan sempurna". :)
Betul. Itu memang tidak terhujah lagi. :)
Namun, bagi aku, sempurna itu sendiri subjektif. Bahkan, kebanyakan kata adjektif itu subjektif. Setuju?
Contoh mudah :
Pedas - pedas untuk tekak seseorang itu berbeza-beza. Tak semestinya sama. :)
Begitu juga dengan perkataan sempurna. Manakan sama sempurna manusia dengan sempurna Yang Esa.
Betulkan aku kiranya aku salah.
Ianya suatu poin, tapi bukan itu yang nak aku point out kat sini kali ni.
Bagi aku, aku lebih berpegang pada kata "Nobody's Perfect". Apapun, manusia itu seharusnya bersyukur dalam ketidaksempurnaannya.
Begini :
Kau seharusnya bersyukur bilamana Dia jadikan kau tak sesempurna orang lain yang kau rasa sempurna.
Contoh 1 :
Kita semua mesti biasa dengan situasi ini. Seorang wanita muslim berhijab kerana rambutnya tidak selurus, sevolume, sesihat rambut orang lain.
Aku kata itu bagus. Ya, walaupun pada dasarnya wanita tadi tidak ikhlas berhijab. Tapi, menutup aurat itu wajib. Kalau itu alasannya dia berhijab, insyaAllah satu hari nanti dia akan matang dan ikhlas itu datang dengan sendirinya secara automatis.
Contoh 2 :
Wanita berkaki yang tidak cantik. Tak kiralah sama ada berbetis/peha seakan pemain bolasepak, atau mungkin lututnya gelap, atau kakinya berparut, atau kulitnya bersisik atau apa sahaja. Hasilnya, mereka yang dari golongan ini tadi tak punya keyakinan memakai mini skirts, hot pants dan sebagainya.
Juga, bagus bagi aku. Kenapa? Kerana bagi aku, Allah sayangkan mereka. Kerana mungkin, jika mereka punyai kaki yang cantik, mereka akan memakai sehabis pendek untuk memperagakan sepasang kaki itu. :)
Sebenarnya, banyak lagi contoh yang aku nak bagi. Tapi, sebab dah lewat sangat, mata aku pun dah makin mengecil.
Contoh-contoh lain ada di sekeliling kita. Apa kata korang look around and find them yourselves..? :)
Happy observing!
B. Disgrace
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Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Dah kenapa dengan aku ni?
After ten mins, sakit kepala pun gone. Malamnya kena semula. Makan meds okay balik. Oh btw, bp normal masa jumpa doc tu. 119/79.
Semalam pagi ok. Sbb after sahur saya makan meds sume. A pain killer and that gingkho tab.
Towards noon kena balik. Gagahkan diri siapkan kerja before tidur. One hour rest, bangun, buat kerja. An hour after that kena lagi. Kepala berat je belah kiri. Tengkuk sakit gila. Otak macam kurang tumpat ke apa tah. Tak tahu nak describe macamana.
End up berlari ke toilet berulang kali sbb rasa loya nak muntah. Muntahnya sekali je. :(
Balik rumah terus tidur. Rasa mcm nak pengsan drive dari ofis. Tapi saya gagahkan juga tubuh. Nasib baik jalan tak sesak.
Dapat tidur kejap dia ok. Lepas je buka terus kena balik.
Sekarang ni pun kena lagi.
Whats wrong w me? :(( Aina, I need you! :((
Doakan saya sembuh segera ya! Saya ada paper on Thursday. TIA. Much love!
B. Disgrace
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Sunday, 14 August 2011
I'm all nervous!!!!!!
Hi semua! Happy Sunday!
Pukul dua japgi saya ada paper Workshop Management and Safety until 5:10pm. Nervous dia lain macam. Saya tak boleh tidur. I dont know if it's the side effect of consuming too much caffeine since yesterday's iftar. Bayangkan I've been staying up from then until Subuh tadi. Itu pun saya tak boleh tidur. Was tossing and turning all the time on the bed. :(
Maybe sebab saya duk lengah-lengahkan revision. Sibuk dengan Twitter and Facebook. Dah pukul satu pagi baru nak masuk 4th Chapter. *PadanMuka*
Saya rasa saya mengalami keresahan yang amat sangatlah. Sebab tu tak boleh nak lelap mata. :(
Padan muka lagi!
Sekarang ni saya tengah layan lagu Fastball. Semalam masa mata mengantuk I discover this 90s hit list kat net. Mulanya saya was in the mood of listening to Stone Temple Pilots' Interstate Love Song and Hootie and the Blowfish's Let Her Cry. Lepas tu saya pun search 90s songs on Google. :P
Lepas tu, I was all excited. Send the file link to a childhood friend. Pastu dia kasi link Out of My Head (Fastball). Saya pun tak ingat dah tajuk lagu ni. Pastu bila layan link Youtube yg dia kasi tu, saya rasa nak menangis. Oh, saya ni memang crybaby sikit. Emotional gilalah kalau bab-bab memory and songs. Especially memories zaman sekolah. :)
Terharu macam "Wow, Ive grown up. Im a working adult. Like, wowwwww...". Ha macam tu. Hehe.
Okay, classmate saya dah reply text saya pasal exam hari ni. I need to go now.
You guys wish me good luck tau! Love you to bits! I wont be receiving that good luck charm from him today. I dont know. He's been really busy. Malas nak text and bagitahu ada paper hari ni. :)
Okay okay! I really need to go now. Classmate saya dah sent second text ni!
You guys have a great Sunday ya!
Love love!
B. Disgrace
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Wednesday, 10 August 2011
Note V1.0
I really wanna see you but I hope it is not in this nearest time.
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The other day (months ago actually), I was lepaking with my coursemates. Both male. Borak2 over quick lunch. They were both complaining about their work. Arguing on some stuff. Tak bersependapat.
Lepas tu, I jumped in into the conversation. I said, that I have this passion to do site works, that it was the reason why I chose to study Civil Engineering from school to college.
One of the guys, I dont mean to be statist, but he's a Kelantanese, looked down at what I said. He said that women are NOT CAPABLE of working at sites.
Only God knows how I felt against him. The words that came out of this mouth masa tu onwards. I stayed cool cus I still spare some respect towards him sebab dia tua dari aku. Sebab if i was to act defensive on him and his thoughts, I wouldve raised my voice and that itll make me the kuranghajar type.
Still lah, aku tak faham. Kenapa nak pandang rendah sangat dengan wanita? If we say we can, it means WE CAN! Diorang nak kata apa? Panas terik hujan bagai kat site tu? Ya Allah, we are all aware lah about the weather, the Indons, Bangladeshi semua kat site tu.
So far, aku takda lagi jumpa kawan sekos aku yg tak suka kerja lapangan. Semua yang ambil keputusan untuk belajar dalam bidang ni dah tahu lah hala tuju diorang macam mana.
Eee, serius tak puas hati!
I have another story about this Kelantanese guy. Will post it up later.
For now, jom kita tidur! Nanti nak bangun sahur pula!
B. Disgrace
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Sunday, 7 August 2011
About You
Ah. Sweetness.
There are so many things that I wish to write in my blog about you.
If I write it down here, then it wouldn't be exclusive no more.
So, let me just keep it to myself.
*Looking forward to our kara-time!
Missing Jim,
B. Disgrace
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Friday, 5 August 2011
The Littlest Things
2. Saya rasa important....
3. ....... (until the nonsense came into the picture)
4. It was never your fault though!
5. :)
6. :D
7. And somehow, I feel appreciated.
8. Terima kasih sebab sibuk dan masih cool untuk saya.
9. Looking forward to see you.. tomorrowwwwww tomorrow........ *nyanyi*
It's always been about me, myself and I, plus minus you. Hmm. No?
B. Disgrace
Thursday, 4 August 2011
How To Make a Mango Tango
So, here's what you need.
- Vanilla ice cream
- Ripe mango
- Mango flavoured yogurt drink
- Mint leaves
Just blend everything together and it is ready to drink!
It costs you about RM 25/++ at Hard Rock Cafe. Save your money and prepare it yourself at the comfort of your own kitchen. :D Hehe.
Happy trying!
B. Disgrace
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
To collect a raincoat.
No need to be so confuse cus i myself am confuse too. The fact that i spend the 9-530 working hours entirely in the office, in front of the pc. Hmmmmm?
This is the second or maybe the third raincoat that i own for the rest of my life.
The first one was when me and my abang were still in the primary school. Emak bought each of us raincoats. Mine was yellow and abang's was blue. I was so ashamed about wearing it during rainy weather at the time just because all of my friends were using those foldable umbrellas. You know, when you're a kid, you really wanna feel that you're already a grown up. Raincoats for kids, umbrellas for the grown ups—that kinda thing.
And so i purposely tore the yellow raincoat that emak bought me, hoping that she would get me that stupid foldable umbrella.
Well, actually she didn't. She bought me another raincoat. Green in colour. I cried. Alone.
Seriously, i feel silly when i think about it. I hope that one day my children will read this entry and take the brightside of it.
Oh well, they provided raincoats during the MCR concert. That makes it four. Four raincoats. :)
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Alamak! Ada Ingredient Tertinggal! Dang!
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Resepi Daging Masak Asam Pedas
Hi semua! Hari ni atas permintaan kawan saya, Mashe Razali; saya akan pos entri tentang Resepi Masak Asam Pedas Daging. Here it is, twin!
Ingredients :
- Daging (of course!)
- Halia (sebesar ibu jari. Tp kalau jari tu kecik sangat, buat satu setengah ya?)
- Lengkuas (half a size of the halia)
- Serai (kuantiti biarlah logik dgn kuantiti daging yg digunakan)
- Ubi Kentang (potong ikut kesesuaian. Biasa kalau potato tu saiz besar, potong empat. Kalau sedang, potong dua je)
- Cili kering
- Bawang besar/bawang merah
- Bawang putih
- Halba
- Daun limau purut
- Air asam jawa
Method :
1. Rebus daging yg dah siap dipotong mengikut saiz yg sesuai dengan halia, lengkuas dan serai yg dah dititik bersama garam secukup rasa. Tapi, mula-mula kena rebus the daging alone. Bila dah empuk baru masukkan halia. serai and lengkuas tu.
2. Masa daging dah 3/4 empuk, masukkan potatoes.
3. Sambil tu bolehlah blend cili kering, bawang besar/merah dan bawang putih, with belacan secukupnya.
4. Kat periuk lain, panaskan minyak. Takyah byk2. Kuantiti minyak biar sepadan dengan kuantiti cili yang dah di blend tu.
5. Tumis halba sikit. Takyah byk2. Cukuplah lebih kurang satu sudu teh je. Kalau nak kasi lebih wangi, boleh tumis sekali dgn halia yg dah dititik (sikit je sbb nak kasi wangi je kan..), bawang merah dan bawang putih sekali, sikit.
6. Agak2 dah naik bau tu, masukkan cili. Part ni paling penting. Masa tumis cili ni, kena pastikan cili ni betul2 masak tau.
7. Bila cili dah masak, masukkan daging+potatoes tadi dengan air rebusannya sekali. Kacau biar sebati.
8. Bila dah mendidih, masukkan air asam. Sebatikan. Biarkan sampai mendidih lagi.
9. Bila dah mendidih, masukkan beberapa helai daun limau purut. Kalau perlu, tambah garam secukup rasa.
Tadaaaaa! Dah siap.
*Huhuhuhu. Rasanya takda yang tertinggal. Kalau ada perubahan nanti saya editlah k. Type guna fon ni. Hehe. *BuatMukaComel*
Selamat mencuba!
B. Disgrace
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Tuesday, 2 August 2011
Senarai Masakan Semasa Bulan Puasa :D
Hi semua! Hope everyone's in a good condition! :D Seperti yang dijanjikan hari tu, saya akan pos satu entri tentang lauk-pauk untuk memudahkan korang semua. Yelah, tak payah fikir-fikir susah payah sangat kalau nak masak untuk berbuka tu. Lepas saya bertungkus-lumus, inilah hasilnya. Actually, ni semua senarai lauk yang saya selalu order kat mak saya sepanjang tahun. Hehe. Kita memang selalu brainstorm sebelum tidur or pagi-pagi before saya pergi kerja.
Enjoy the list of my favourite foods, y'all! Xoxo. :D
1. Masak Asam Daging
2. Masak Lada Ikan
3. Ketam Masak Lemak Cili Api
4. Ketam Goreng Cili
5. Kurma Ayam
6. Paprik Campur
7. Ayam Masak Kicap
8. Daging Blackpepper
9. Tomyam
10. Sup Ayam
11. Sup Ikan
12. Fishball Soup
13. Sardin Goreng
14. Soo Hoon and Foo Chok Tumis Air
15. Pajeri Nenas
16. Siput Sedut Masak Lemak Cili Api + Keladi
17. Keladi Masak Asam Rebus
18. Bendi Masak Pindang + Ikan
19. Ikan Sweet and Sour
20. Lala Rebus
21. Lala Sweet and Sour
22. Udang Masak Lemak Cili Api
23. Daging Masak Kicap + Ubi Kentang + Capsicum
24. Pucuk Paku/Pucuk Ubi Gulai Tempoyak
25. Ikan/Tauhu Masak Teow Chew
26. Ayam/Daging Masak Merah
1. Kacang Buncis + Baby Corn + Cendawan Butang Goreng Oyster
2. Kacang Panjang Rebus
3. Kacang Panjang Goreng Cili
4. Bendi Goreng Cili
5. Kacang Botol Goreng
6. Sawi Goreng/Sup
7. Kailan Goreng Oyster
8. Kailan Goreng Ikan Masin
9. Sayur Campur (Campuran Brocolli/Cauliflower + Carrot/Baby Carrots + Baby Corn + Capsicum etc etc)
10. Soo Hoon + Tempe + Kacang Panjang Goreng
...and the list goes on...
SAMBAL (Dish Wajib Abang Saya-Kalau Takda, Dia Merajuk)
1. Sambal Ikan
2. Sambal Ayam
3. Sambal Kerang
4. Sambal Sotong
5. Sambal Sardin
6. Sambal Cili Api (Ikan Kering Bulu Ayam)
7. Sambal Daging
8. Sambal Telur
9. Sambal Goreng Ubi Kentang + Ikan Bilis
10. Sambal Udang + Petai
..dan macam-macam lagi sambal..
1. Pumpkin Soup with Chicken
2. Cream Soup (Mushroom/Chicken etc etc)
3. Sup Tauhu *MyFavourite*
4. Sup Tomato
5. Mashed Potato
6. Sup Timun + Soo Hoon
ULAM - served with sambal belacan -
1. Timun
2. Kacang Botol
3. Ulam Raja
4. Daun Salam
5. Kacang Panjang
6. Daun Pegaga
7. Petai *Favourite*
... dan lain-lain lagi ...
1. Assorted Pengat/Bubur
2. Kuih Rengas
3. Kuih Keria
4. Bubur Somsom
5. Kuih Kasui
6. Kuih Seri Muka
.. dan macam-macam lagilah, mengikut kepakaran (emak) masing-masing. He he he ..
Sekian. Selamat memasak!
2. Khairul Fahmi Che Mat, our favourite goalie dah putus tunang dengan Elia jejariruncing. Hmmmm. Tak follow sangat gegosip itu. But I'm sure that, ramai gila yang suka. Tak baik wei. *ApalahKorangNi*
3. List lauk-pauk akan dilakukan secepat mungkin. Emak saya busy ke masjid dengan terawikh, tadarus dan lain-lain. (Anak sibuk blogging. Errr...).
4. Tak lama lagi, USD dah takda nilai. Just saying. Sekian.
5. Semalam pergi jogging after work kat Titiwangsa. Dapatlah dua round. A few calories burnt, I hope. :D Tapi, hari ni experiencing some muscle cramps here and there sebab semalam masa dah nak completekan last round, Nairus called. Tak sempat warm down, terus balik. Sebab tak sampai hati nak letak fon sebab dia eksaited cerita dia kat bazaar Ramadhan sorang-sorang. Hmmmm, you owe me a meal from bazaar Ramadhan, Nairus!
6. Cakap pasal Nairus, dia gila AHZ! Ha ha ha. Tak percaya pergi usha Twitter account dia (neyuyuyu). Go and see her avatar. Ha ha ha.
7. Heyeah! Esok puasa! :D
8. So, yea, that's all. Have a great, blessful Ramadhan okay guys?
9. Oh. Yes! I am selling Choco Cornflakes at RM 20/100pcs and London Almond at RM 25/50pcs. Dijamin sedap dan of course halal. Home-made, with love! :D Kalau nak order just drop your order here je. Leave a comment okay? Or you can always ask me on Twitter (nardaziz). Keep the orders come!
Monday, 1 August 2011
Oh Lupa!
Biasanya saya akan masak ayam masak kicap untuk first day puasa. Tapi, disebabkan saya dah raya awal, tak jadilah. Dan mulanya, tekak saya dah demand nak makan nasi tomato dgn ayam masak merah. Hmmm, tadi dah pergi beli ayam kat Mydin USJ. Mak saya pun teringin nak makan ayam masak merah kot. Tadi dah siap beli fresh tomatoes, tomato purees and can peas.
List lauk-pauk saya akan brainstorm dgn mak saya esok since dah tau nak masak apa for 1 Ramadhan. :)
Esok saya nak share juadah kegemaran saya di bazaar Ramadhan pula! Hehehehe.
Ps : Ramadhan is not all about foods, it's about the rewards that Allah promises to give to us as we perform all of the religious duties sincerely.
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Ramadhan Datang Lagi
Hi. This is the second year of Ramadhan without the presence of my Babah. *Al-Fatihah*
Rindu Babah.
I want to take this opportunity to wish each and everyone of you Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak. :)
Hope that we can perform it well. Better than the years before. InsyaAllah.
If you're going for Terawikh prayers, pls make sure that your little ones who follow you behaving at their best. Do not play the firecrackers during the ongoing prayers. Pls advice them to not to run around the madrasah/masjid. If you think that little ones are controllable, let them stay at home jelah. Buat semak and ganggu konsentrasi orang lain yang nak buat amal ibadah je.
Queue for the moreh foods and drinks.
Im grateful that i am still alive this Ramadhan. Thank you, Allah! Amiin.
Now, i would like to apologise for any of my wrong doings towards each and everyone of you. Yours towards me is already forgiven. InsyaAllah.
1) Selamat bersahur—elok diamalkan di hujung-hujung waktu nak imsak. :)
2) Selamat membeli-belah di bazaar dan tolong jangan membazir. Sedia maklum ya, membazir tu amalan syaitan. :)
3) Makan kurma tu sunnah nabi. Buka dgn manisan (kurma) dan air suam, lepas tu perform maghrib. 3 rakaat je pun. :)
4) Jangan makan banyak sangat masa iftar, nanti malas nak terawikh pula.
5) Janganlah ponteng. Come on guys!
6) Jangan main mercun dekat tempat byk kenderaan. Atau baling mercun dr atas rumah ke bawah untuk yang menetap di rumah pangsa. Hormatilah harta benda orang lain, dan hormatilah jiran-jiran anda.
B. Disgrace :)
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Monday, 25 July 2011
Well, here's a good news for ya! I'm helping a friend here. I'm gonna make this entry real short and straight forward.
If you're interested in renting a new MyVi (A)* at RM 150/day, you're most welcome to contact Mr Amer Shueb at 017 - 3535 193 at any time of the day. Oh yes, there are different rates for weekly and monthly rental! :)
In case you're wondering how the car looked like, here's a pic of the car!
Happy renting and enjoy your drive!
B. Disgrace
* (A) - Automatic Transmission
Terbit Lagi
Bait-bait itu melingkar bebas di minda rapuhku.
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Aku Bukan Aku Yang Dulu
I cannot lead a teenage life like this. Remaja perlu menghabiskan at least sebahagian masa bersama rakan-rakan. Lepak. Talking nonsense and craps. Serious issues—politics, economics, common sense, love, life, future. Semua!
Ya, aku akui ada a few friends yang aku rindu sangat nak lepak—Aina (of course), Weck, Mawk, Piyya.
A few yg janji nak jumpa just tunggu I say when seperti Kak Awin and Seb and Ben too, i think.
Ramai dowh! Ezra lagi. Siapa lagi? Yes, AJ. I miss her. School kids jangan cakaplah. :(
Lately, aku terlalu komited dgn tv. Sekarang nak salahkan siapa? Salahkan pelakon-pelakon pujaanlah. Job diorang melambak-lambak keluar serentak. Siap clash pulak!
Paling teruk malam Selasa.
Ok kita mula dari Isnin ok?
Isnin :
2030 - Ejen Halal
2100 - Slot TV3
2200 - Cerita P Ramlee kat TV2
Selasa :
2130 - Vampire Diaries
2200 - Edisi Khas
2230 - Annissa
2230 - DH
2300 - Fuhhh!
Rabu :
2030 - Iktikad
2230 - Annissa
Khamis :
2030 - Iktikad
2030 - Telemovie TV9
2230 - Annissa
Jumaat :
2030 - Iktikad
2100 - Tahajjud Cinta
Sabtu :
2200 - Cerekarama
Ahad :
2100 - Stanza Cinta
And I'm not sure No Ordinary Family airing on Sundays or Mondays. Rasa macam Sunday. :)
Ha, lihatlah betapa aku seorang hamba tv. I was only into DH and Ugly Betty je tau dulu for tv series. Makin lama makin melampaulah! Aku rasa Supermak aku slow downkan sikitlah. Tengok dulu watak Abg Han macam mana, kalau menarik, continue. Kalau biasa je, on and off lah. :)
Lepas habis Annissa, aku taknak terjebak lagi dengan Samarinda.
Tolonglah! The office needs me! Iktikad tu pun aku on and off je. Tak tegar sangat. Ejen Halal pulak, selalu terlepas sebab khusyuk tengok news. Last-last terlajak sampai pukul 9. Rugi betul! Bagus rancangan tu.
Okay, enough already, babbling about tv! Goodnight!
Love! Love!
B. Disgrace
Sent from my iPhone
Monday, 18 July 2011
Question! *sebut macam nyanyi lagu Miss Independent by Destiny's Child*
*macam tu lah lebih kurang soalan dia*
I think, most of us pernah diajukan soalan yang sama, kan? Hmmm.. So, what say you?
I told her this : I fall for the guys with brain! He who makes sense. :)
Rationale : A person "with" a brain, will use his brain wisely. :)
Tapi, tak semua orang punya pendapat yang sama. Tepuk dada tanya selera. Heee~ Some may find differences as attaction. Say like, when you have differences, you will complete each other in every way (the differences may be). And, more space for both of you when you do your thingy seperately. More times spent away from each other means the more you'll miss them. Hehe. Tapi, ada yang tend to like a life partner who has the same interests with them, so that they can spend more of quality times together.
Itulah saya kata, tepuk dada tanya selera! :D
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Monday, 11 July 2011
Oh Well, Anyways...
Semester ini pasti jahanam...
Lagi, I couldn't make it for Mashe/Azim's wedding reception in Templer. Azim's side. Gila. Dahlah tak attend for Mashe's side in Ipoh. Azim punya kat Rawang pun tak dapat pergi. Rasa tak sedap hati gila! I couldn't make it for my twin's engagement, and now, both of her receptions. :(
Tuhan je tahu how bad I feel. I am still breathing here in front of my almost-twelve-hours-switched-on laptop, out of guilt. Seriously, I hope Mashe would understand. I promised her that I would spend some time with her in the future, catching up. God, I miss her! I swear! Apapun, Mashe, aku doakan ko dengan Azim bahagia hingga hujung nyawa. Amiin. Have a blessful life and grow old together. Love ya, twin!
Okay, I should sleep. You guys have a good Moan-Day ahead, while I am going to the dentist tomorrow morning to extract this wisdom tooth that is killing me.
Cracking up;
B. Disgrace
Haha! This is funny!
I just realised that there's a missing word in my last two entry.
The title is supposed to be The Time Is Running Out Of Time.
OF was missing.
Okay. Bye!
Friday, 8 July 2011
It doesn't has to be fancy
I don't want any fancy.
I don't need it to be fancy.
If you're a Mexican wrap, I would have you alone without the fillings.
And if you're an extreme cheese nachos, I would have you just like that without salsa dip.
No, I don't like white corn chips.
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Tuesday, 5 July 2011
The Time is Running Out Time. Haha!
Progression :
1) Workshop Management and Safety
- needs another 20% final touch up
- need to organise the references used in APA format
2) English for Technical Purposes
- Part A : Quite a "done" for me. :P
- already e-mailed to Ann for checkings :)
- Part B : Haven't started anything yet. *takut tak siap tapi MALAS GILA*
- Love the topic, but hate the fact that it's a discussion type of essay. Don't get a stand.
- Imagine : Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy. *duhhhhhhhh*
3) Professional Ethics
- Still searching for resources :/
- I don't like this subject, so I delayed myself from doing any research for this assignment *which is not a good idea at all*
4) Curricullum Planning
- Progression is NIL
Tolong saya, saya malas gila semester ni!
Okay, back to work!
Hari ini adalah "Hari Bersama Esaimen"!! :D
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Tambah Tolak Darab Bahagi
I hate that bitch. That pretentious bitch.
Kalau kau tak ada hati perut, kau harus ada perasaan malu dengan tuhan.
Baik kau pergi jahanam.
My bestie is here. I miss her. :(
Sent from my iPhone
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Hi semua.
Hope everyone is doing great!
Pagi tadi saya dengar Mix FM. Cerita pasal redundant characters dalam
TV shows/series.
Tiba-tiba saya teringat zaman dulu-dulu. But I'm not going to post
exactly on the topic. Slighty different. :)
Dulu masa zaman sekolah--I cant even remember whether it was in my
primary school year or secondary--saya selalu menyampah bila abang
saya tukar channel sebab nak tengok STAR TREK.
Saya tak faham kenapa one of the characters wearing this weird
apparatus on his eyes. I remember (I think, I guess) that my Abang
told me that he's not a human. Lebih annoyed when my Abang akan
curi-curi ambil my headscarf and wear it on his eyes just like the guy
from Star Trek. Banyak cekak rambut saya yang patah okay! Haihhhh!
So, yea, that was all! Okay. Bye now.
Have a good day babies!
Sent from my iPhone
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Oh Surat Lah Khabar.
I realised that I don't read newspaper that much. Yea, I would make my way upstairs in the office, and ONLY browse through the pages, skimming the headlines and enjoying the colours of pictures in it. But I only do that when I get too tired of staring at my desktop monitor, or when I need to relieve my backache.
Recently, this morning, I came up with a conclusion that I ONLY read newspapers/tabloids over breakfast. You know, when you like to have your nasi lemak with extra sambal that the sambal overflowed from the packing, and that you need to alas the table with suratkhabar lama? Yes. That!
And if you're wondering, yes, indeed, I read backdated news!
But that doesn't mean that I am outdated.
I own a Twitter account, okay! *wink*
You guys have a good day ahead ya?
B. Disgrace
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Kawan Oh Kawan
kau dah packing belum?
belum. abu dhabi-kl macam kl-klang je.
buat aku sekarang ni.....
buat sekarang kau apa?
tak tahu. bos aku nak up gaji aku. so time nak pow ni lah
hamba duit betul. sudahlah kau lan!
aku takda hutang dalam hidup. so, aku bukan hamba duit. kau kena faham betul-betul.
yelah, kalau aku debate dengan kau mesti kau je asyik menang kan?
betul lah hamba duit tu org yg berkeje semata nak bayar hutang
yelah yelah yelah! aku hamba duit. senyap senyap! pencemaran bunyi..
aku tak cakap pun. aku bagi maksud je.
(lepas tu dia "hehehehehehe" penuh makna)
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Unhygienic Retards
Btw, when my TM arrived to my workstation, I asked him, "Boss, datang sini tak bawak goreng pisang ke? Berlenggang je boss..!?". (The second line was so spontaneous that I never realised it's going to come out). He then replied, "Saya nak beli tadi tapi dah habis..". (Liar!).
Back to the Pump Operators moving into the same building with us, I was totally okay with it (at the first place, at least). I thought, it's not like they're going to "bug" us around since they're always on the go. They are supposed to make rounds (I'm not sure of how many times a day) to the pump houses that are put under their responsibility. Say like 5 to 8 pump houses kot. I'm not sure. I've never work in that department. But I do have one adopted reservoir though! But, that's a different story.
Well, I had to go to work today (yea, go ahead and call me a loser for working on national public holiday, but I really do enjoy working on odd days. Less crappy people around). Arrived at 10am or so. I straightly started on my work since then. A few hours after that I went to the unisex to wash my Coke glass and pee.
Come outs?
Don't know?
Try to guess again.
No idea? Scroll down, then.
Monday, 16 May 2011
(Real) Teacher's Day Entry
When I was still in primary school, I used to have an English tutor who home-tuitioned me on weekends. He was a long time friend of my late father. His name was Cikgu Rashid. He's an English teacher at La Salle Brickfields at that time.
I've been always love English since forever. Since the first children's novel that my father bought me, the first spelling book in Standard One. :) I still remember the time during English Week at school. All of the pupils had to wear "ENGLISH IS FUN" badge and.. okay, enough about English and fun.
Cikgu Rashid was very softly spoken. He had fair skin and he's pretty tall. We would start at 3pm and finish around 7pm which then he would join us for dinner. Mak and Babah insisted.
Since Babah passed away, we have been lost contacted for quite a while. I hope he's doing well now. And always.
Anyway, I would like to wish a very Happy Teacher's Day to all of the teachers out there! You guys rock! Hey, I'm one of you too, in the making! Hee. That makes me rock too right? Heeee.
All my English teachers.
My art teacher, Miss Mazrina.
All my Form Teachers. Including Puan SN Hawa, Puan Azlinda Aziz, Cikgu Julia.
My Maths teachers.
My Add Maths teachers.
The coolest History teacher ever!, Cikgu Zulhisham.
My Physics and Chemistry teacher. Cikgu Zamani and Cikgu Shukri.
My Civil Engineering Education teacher, Cikgu Hamzah.
Alah, semualah! Including my current lecturers! ;)
Mari Mengenal Binatang
Saturday, 14 May 2011
Married or getting married? Oh yea, TAHNIAH!
Well, here's why.
From my own observation, nine out of 10 people made personal loan at bank or any other financial institution. Long story short, they used the money for their wedding reception(s), hantaran and worse, they would actually use it for the mas kahwin too.
There's this one time that a friend told me that in Islam, it is said in the Quran (or Hadith--I'm not sure) that we are encouraged to invest in gold. But if you cannot afford to actually buy the gold, Islam does not promote you to make debts in order to buy them.
Hmmm, relevance on this post??
Here's! My point. Islam discouraged us from involving with debts in the interest of possessing something that is not affordable to you.
Number two. If we were not to view this case on religious-basis, I still make sense. No, you still don't get it? Okay. Let me tell you then.
In the simplest form, take a hire purchase commitment for example. Cars. Oh, yea, technically, the car is yours because it is your name on the car grant. But, we are all aware that the truth is that it is still owned by the bank. Yep! Not until you're done with the total loan amount together with its interest. Say for like what, on average, for a minimum of nine years or seven at least (with or) without downpayment. AND, if you fail to settle the monthly payment, the bank will repossess the car that you own (or should I say that THEY OWNED?).
Now. Are you with me?
And well, yea, that was it!
This could be an idiotical opinion to you. But, at some point, I think it makes sense. :)
Wives and cars. They're not entirely yours, if you marry them from the money that you get from a bank loan.
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Penyakit Sang Pesakit Yang Sakit
Bila masa mula suntuk, Sebahagian dari diri kau kata "Lekas!". Sebahagian lagi macam endah tak endah.
Sudahnya kau mengelamun, kau leka, Gelombang negatif mula tunjuk kuasa, tunjuk hebat.
Lantas kau biar ia terus bermaharaja dalam jiwa. Kau dengan sengaja akur, hati berdetik "Ah, lumrah alam..!".
Bila waktu makin sempit, kau mula lelah. Saat itu gelabah menghela nafas pendek.
Minda bersimpang-siur. Berperang dengan syaitan ciptaan sendiri yang berkokok di dalam diri.
Dah nampak darah baru kau rasa sakit. Harusnya kau sedar tatkala memecut arah dinding bata itu.
Selingan peringatan;
B. Disgrace
Pictorial Entry
Uri adalah telefilem yang sedang ditayangkan di Astro Box Office Ch 953. Pelakon utama Abg Beto (Beto Kusyairy). :D
Sejak Rosli Dhoby, saya tak pernah miss projek Abg Beto. He's such a born actor. Mak pun fikir benda yang sama. Kitorang memang minat Abg Beto sebab Abg Beto berlakon macam bukan satu lakonan.
Ok, ni nak kena review pasal Uri kan? Trust me I'm not good at reviewing since I have the STML disease. :P Mula-mula, masa info kat Ch 953 tu, bila nampak title URI je dah cukup takutkan saya. Ha ha. Bila info lagi, wahhhh! Menarik sinopsis! Layan jelah mula-mula sebab dah takda yang lebih menarik masa tu nak tonton.
Bila start je, eksaited gila sebab lead actor adalah Abg Beto. Setakat pemerhatian yang saya buat, Abg Beto tak pernah lagi join projek yang 'sampah'. :) Tabikkk!!
Cerita ni best! Walaupun ada some scenes yang membolehkan kita buat predictions, they are almost predicted correctly. (Tu untuk saya lah!). Saya bukan kaki drama sangat. Storyline dia menarik. Taklah tipikal.
I really enjoyed watching it. Jadi, saya sarankan kawan-kawan semua tonton telefilem ni ok? Berbaloi. Cerita ni pun nak kata heavy tak, nak kata light pun tak. :D
Sekian. *told ya it's gonna be the worst review ever!*
Wink; B. Disgrace
A Slight Update II
Sejak dapat kerja baru, memang tak sempat sangat nak online kat office or rumah. Kalau online pun check notifications and mentions kat fb and twitter acc je. Bila dah shutdown lappie baru teringat nak pos entri kat sini. Haha.
Bukan tak boleh update guna fon. Dah banyak dah draf. Tapi nanti ada pula musuh yang mengata 'mengada dan menunjuk' bila update pakai fon. (Memang saya minta dia bayarkan bil Maxis saya every month pun! -- mata ke atas, tangan ke dalam, lidah terjelir sedikit!). Heh!
At the moment, kerja biasa je. Issues at work macam biasalah juga. Ada yang dengki. Rasa tergugat pasal kerja adalah. I am still dealing with it. Biasalah hidup ni ada ups and downs kan? Yang penting kena apply positive thinking aje. (Ah, terasa hipokrit tulis macam ni!).
Oh ya. Kawan saya bagitahu yang one of my colleague kata saya cemburu bila ada perempuan lain kena transfer masuk unit saya. Like I told you, I used to be the only female in the unit. Tapi, tuduhan tak berasas macam tu, saya tak boleh nak terimalah! Ada ke dia kata saya cemburu dan takut bila perhatian akan dialihkan ke perempuan lain? Masuk akal tak? Maaf, saya datang kerja untuk KERJA. Bukan untuk menjual diri. Menjual cinta. Hati dan apa lagi yang kau orang gelar. Aishhhh! Jauh tersasar pemikiran kolot dia tu. Masa kawan saya cerita kat saya pasal ni, saya melenting juga.
Tapi, on second thought, I think it was funny. Macam yang saya pernah dengar kat TV9, ada ustaz tu kata, kalau ada orang yang buruksangka terhadap kita, kita kena ucap Alhamdulillah, sebab ada la gi kebaikan kita yang orang lain tak nampak.
Saya akui, kalau dari segi kerja, saya memang rasa terancam. Sebab, secara teknikalnya, ah, tak payah nak tulis kat sini. Biar saya simpan dalam hati buat masa ni.
Update pasal sekolah pula. Sekarang ni tengah peperiksaan akhir semester. First paper dah lepas. Comm and Man Tech. Hancur. Hancur. Walaupun carry mark sangat memberangsangkan, tapi, saya rasa saya macam ada potensi untuk gagal. (Eeeeeee... Simpanggggg! *gaya Usop Wilcha*)
Sekarang ni pun tengah study untuk Motion punya paper on 13th. (Suntukkkk). Tengah all out lah ni. Dah tak larat nak sumbat ilmu dalam otak, sebab tu pos entri kat sini. :)
Ok, apa pun. Thanks sebab baca. And please please please doakan saya cemerlang dalam dua lagi paper untuk final ni ya! Terima kasih. :)
Love. B. Disgrace
Monday, 14 February 2011
Tangguh-menangguh is so not me!
Sumpah! Banyak gila backlogs aku kena clearkan. Kerja mcm lembu beb! Tak tipu! :/
Ok. Progress esaimen saya :
1. Comm n man tech - baru tiga pages
2. Statics - baru jawab satu soalan out of two Qs. (soalan dua je, tp ada anak-anak soalan tau! Hehhhh!)
3. Motion, fluids n waves - tak sentuh lg walaupun soalan no 1 dia senang.
Adoi. Camna nak bahagi masa? Nak potong kuku pun takda masa. Takda masa nak curi dah. Bila balik rumah dah letih gila. Weekend kerja, kalau xkerja, ada klas. PH kerja. :(
Kesian akuuuuu.
Ok. Dahlah. Nak tidur. Bye!
Sent from my iPhone
Saturday, 12 February 2011
More on hardest thing.
The facts that the statistics where most of the ppl in my circle of friends are settling down only fears me off SOMETIMES really fears me off. (You with me?).
Am i weird or am i just a workaholic type who only mix around with the same social cliques?
Is it wrong, to feel this neutral, never really worry about settling down, feeling too comfortable of being single at this age?
Or maybe there is a conservative side of me? Well, if there is, that makes me, myself as a person who's in denial, isn't it?
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Sent from my iPhone
Saturday, 5 February 2011
Karakter Melalui Penulisan
Bagi saya, sebenarnya, dengan membaca entri kawan-kawan kita, kita dapat kenal dengan lebih rapat lagi siapa kawan-kawan kita tadi di sebalik karakter mereka di luar. For me, it is fun to discover the other side of your friends by their writings. Pendapat saya, karakter sebenar seseorang boleh dirungkaikan oleh penulisan seseorang kerana semua orang menulis melalui hati mereka. :)
Si Nairus dengan Najjah tu dah berkurun tak update blog! Eh, saya ni cakap orang pulak. Sendiri pun jarang-jarang mengadap pc. Haha.
Ok, saya nak kena resume buat kerja sekolah saya. How's your holiday so far guys? Enjoy the week-end tomorrow until its last drop. :)
I'm beautiful.disgrace signing off now.
Monday, 17 January 2011
Telco oh Telco..
Hello. Hi.
Saya dalam dilema. Pasal pelan pascabayar dan broadband Maxis saya.
Saya rasa, makin lama makin tinggilah bil saya dengan maxis ni. Walhal, usage saya sama je. Dan padahal, saya dah bertukar dari iValue2 ke iValue3. Bukankah sepatutnya caj panggilan per minit dan data per kb adalah lebih rendah? Saya confuselah!
A friend of mine who used to be a Maxis user just switch to Celcom Executive Plan. Katanya, Maxis banyak sangat hidden charges. Both of us have been a loyal user of Maxis for ages. Last-last dia tak tahan, dia dah cancel line and broadband. Sekarang dah tukar ke Celcom.
Saya tanya dia, coverage ok tak untuk broadband? And postpaid diorang murah tak? Dia kata Celcom Exec ok. Broadband pula, kalau kat area kampung slow.
Sungguh. Saya dalam dilema. Saya plan nak tukar telco lepas habis kontrak Mei ni. Tapi, tak tahu nak pilih telco mana.
Saya ingat nak tukar ke Celcom juga. Tapi, tak pasti sama ada coverage broadband dia strong ke tak kat area rumah, ofis dan uni saya. Kalau congested, susahlah sebab broadband tu penting. Nak buat research, nak collect data untuk esaimen. Nak update OS. Dan yang paling penting nak layan Youtube, update Youtube account, download lagu. Hahaha. :P
Digi pula, ada seorang kawan saya guna. Dia beli iPhone kat Digi along with the phone line lah. Dia selalu merungut Digi lembab. Hmmphhh. Hari tu saya lepak Wangsa Walk dengan dia, bukan main lambat nak loading internet kat fon dia. Saya pun tak pasti sama ada line atau kawasan tu memang congested atau building tu yang block coverage. Hmmph. *confused*
Ok, jadi, saya nak minta pendapat kawan-kawan semua untuk bantu saya pilih telco mana yang paling sesuai. Saya seorang pengguna internet tegar di telefon. Tapi broadband juga penting.
Bantu ya! Thanking you guys in advance. Have a good day! Muahs.
B. Disgrace
Sent from my iPhone
Friday, 14 January 2011
Alamak! Dah tahun baru!
Alamak! Dah lama tak update blog. Sorry. Saya agak busy. Tapi saya tak tahu apa yang saya busy sangat tu. Malaslah sekarang ni nak online guna laptop. Leceh. Nak tunggu on. Nak connect. Maxis dah lah lambat! Heh!
Dan, MALAS juga nak update guna fon. Nanti bil telefon tinggi! (Haha, alasan yang kelakar!). Padahal berapa minit sangatlah nak send email ke tu. Hehe.
Yang benarnya, MALAS! Ringkas.
Ok, pertama-tama sekali, saya nak ucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru! (Maaf, lambat!). Wow, twenty-eleven huh? Twenty-eleven, and I'm yearly countedly twenty-seven! Hee~ :)
On the last day of twenty-ten, saya ada exam Trigo and Calculus kat UM. Lepas habis exam terus shoot ke Serendah for my twin's solemnization. The next day--reception. Sayalah yang jadi pengapit. It was my first time to agree in being a pengapit. :) Hehe.
2011 ni tak banyak yang best berlaku. Biasa-biasa je. Cumanya, it's not a good start lah when my PTPTN payment will be transfered prior to when the September result is out. :( Sedih. Serius, paling sedihlah tahun ni. :( Dahlah saya ni saving pun tinggal korek-korek. Bonus yang ciput tu dah selamat. Duit yang tinggal dalam bank pun tak cukup nak cover sampai hujung bulan. Jadi, tadi saya ke uni untuk membuat rayuan. Last-last abang SIC tu cakap pergilah keluarkan EPF.
Disebabkan saya sayang nak tangguh semester, aku pun setuju. :) Alhamdulillah. Permohonan peringkat pertama lulus. Cumanya saya tak pasti jika pihak uni akan terima esok surat dari EPF tu, tanpa sesen bayaran pendahuluan. Hmmm.. Bolehkah? Doakan saya!
Seriously, NOT A GOOD START AT ALL kan?
Kat ofis, GM dah bertukar. Hopefully, semuanya akan berjalan dengan lancar di ofis. Harapnya, bosses dah tak lembu macam dulu lagi dan takkan terbawa-bawa perangai GM lama dalam tampuk pemerintahan yang baru. Cewah! :P
I really wanna do a fresh start at work this year. Saya nak menonjol sikit. Macam yang lecturer saya pesan : Socialise SMARTLY at work! Yeay! Kid pun pesan gak aritu. Bukan kipas, tapi kalau tak menonjol, sampai sudahlah kau kat tempat tu je. Kan? :)
Ok, saya chow dulu. Mahu mandi. Saya janji akan CUBA untuk update. Kesian Cik Blog. Sunyi. :P
Fresh Start,